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Rules ofВ life ofВ wild animals
Dmitry Kleshnin

“Rules of life of wild animals” is a book of lessons from wild animals from the red list.Everything is changing, including us, and only the inhabitants of the wild remain stable and calm. Perhaps this is because they live in harmony with themselves and nature. Or maybe because animals know the secret of the universe… Let �s imagine that this is so.

Rules ofВ life ofВ wild animals

Dmitry Kleshnin

As a child, I loved watching animal shows where you could get to know the rare inhabitants of our planet. Many years have passed, and I’m still interested in wild animals.

Everything is changing, including us, and only the inhabitants of the wild remain stable and calm. Perhaps this is because they live in harmony with themselves and nature. Or maybe because animals know the secret of the universe… Let’s imagine that this is so.

IВ hope that inВ this book the reader will find some useful tips from the beautiful inhabitants ofВ the wild. And that one day we will all live inВ peace and harmony with ourselves and nature.


© Dmitry Kleshnin, 2020

ISBNВ 978-5-4498-4065-3

Created with Ridero smart publishing system

The Daurian hedgehog always knew how toВ be friends. He can find aВ friend inВ the steppe, inВ the taiga, inВ Transbaikalia, inВ China, and inВ Mongolia. And although the size ofВ the Daurian hedgehog can reach only 30В cm, among his friends can be aВ bear and even aВ huge elephant. How does he manage toВ make new acquaintances? The answer is obvious. First, the Daurian hedgehog has aВ friendly character and non- prickly needles. Therefore, it is always nice toВ talk toВ him and iron. Secondly, the Daurian hedgehog is always dressed inВ aВ neat light beige suit made ofВ stiff and short wool on the abdomen and legs, and its back is decorated with light needles.

The Caucasian forest cat always sets real goals inВ the countries ofВ Eastern and Western Europe and Central Asia. Little is known about them, and there are reasons for this: aВ secretive lifestyle, hard-to-reach habitats, and an extreme lifestyle.

If a plane with parachutists soared into the sky, it means that there is a Caucasian forest cat preparing to jump. If there is a steep snow-covered slope, it means that the snowboard of the Caucasian forest cat will leave its mark on it. It always does. If there is something to do and conquer, the Caucasian forest cat will be there. And if you can’t see it, then the camouflage pattern of the animal’s fur is to blame.

Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.

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